OK, this is the SABOT-clan's Battlefield 2142-DIvision's topic.
So, first of all, in this topic I tell my favorite kits and how I use them and I also tell good sniper spots. I also tell other things about 2142. You can ask me something about 2142 and I try to find something out about it.
So, number one tip.
Kit name: Support.
I prefer the EU-forces' Bianchi LMG more than PAC forces' Shuko LMG for couple reasons:
1. It's way more accurate than Shuko.
2. It's more effective against infantry because of it's good accuracy and firepower.
3. I like the gun's ability to take out groups of enemies if you can surprise your enemies.
And now I tell one sniper point:
I suggest you to take the PAC's basic sniper rifle ( Park 52 ) and go to the houses between flags Playground and Controltower in Belgrade-map. That's so good sniping spot, no tanks or APC's have a clue where you are shooting from. And it's very good if you have invisibility IT-33 or whatever it is and Claymore mines. Plant one claymore to the stairs you come from. If enemy blows up to that clay, go put another one. I use this place so many times it's a miracle no one cares about that...
This was the first post to this topic, and I try to add a new one in 2 days from the previous. If you have something to ask, mail me to
koleksi@suomi24.fi or
Kollu_92@hotmail.com, or put a mail to this topic or to the mailbox on the upper right corner. You can also send me private message to my user in our forum. Thank you if you readed this message to it's end.